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All the content and information on this website including graphics, logos, texts, icons, images, and software tools are proprietary property of SameTools. It can’t be produced or distributed to another platform without the written consent of the owner of this website. If you believe any information or content that appears on this website is under infringement of copyright of other parties, immediately notify us about it.

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The complete content and information available on this site is copyrighted to SameTools. No one can reproduce, modify, and distribute it without the consent of the owner of SameTools.

Electronic Communication

All the communication with you is done digitally by us using emails & posting notices on the website. When you email us or visit our website, you connect us electronically. Also, you agree to receive communication from us electronically. By this, you provide consent that all electronic communication that are received by you from SameTools in the form of notices, disclosures, and agreements complies with all legal requirements satisfy the legal requirement.

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